Preschool Craft - Make Stained Glass RaindropsLots of rainy day fun! What You Need: Sheet of clear plastic What You Do : Cut your sheet of plastic in half or Cut 2 squares of plastic the same size. (You can get clear plastic at Wal-mart by the yard, cheap). Draw a raindrop shape on one and lay it on top the other square. Cut out two identical raindrops. Lay one raindrop flat on the table . Rake a pea size or smaller piece of beeswax in your hand. Roll it around, warming it up to soften it. Press the beeswax onto the plastic. Continue adding beeswax until the entire raindrop is filled with wax.. Press the other raindrop on top. Punch a hole in the top and hang in the window. An alternative to the beeswax would be to use crayon shavings and press with a warm iron puttin a piece of cloth between the plastic and the iron. You can also seal the edges of the raindrop this way but putting apiece or paper on top the edges and touching it the iron edge to the raindrop edges.
Belinda Mooney is the mother of seven children, a veteran homeschooler and a freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in over 70 publications. Her Kids in the Kitchen column is carried Mid-Ohio Valley Parenting, Families First and Gainesville Family. You can reach her at Join our mailing list for updates! Send a blank . copyright Belinda Mooney Privacy Policy |