Seven Sleepy Dwarfs - A Children's Literature CraftA craft to go with the children's book - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Materials:
Directions: 1.You are going to use the entire egg section from one egg carton and cut a two section piece from the other one. Glue and tape the two piece end to the end of the whole carton. 2.Turn the egg carton upside down. This forms the head and bodies of the dwarfs. 3.Paint this side of the egg cups pink. 4.From your cardboard box cut a headboard and a foot board a little longer than the row of dwarfs. The head should be twice as talla s the foot. Paint blue and let dry. 5. Cut a square of fabric for each dwarf. Glue a blanket over and around the bottom egg cup of dwarf. 6. Glue 2 wiggly eyes and a pompom nose on top each egg cup to make a face for each dwarf. Add cotton around head and chin for hair and whiskers. 7.Glue the headboard across the top and the footboard across the bottom. Cut a heart for each dwarf and glue over their head. Decorate the bottom with whatever you want! Belinda J Mooney |
Belinda Mooney is the mother of seven children, a veteran homeschooler and a freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in over 70 publications. Her Kids in the Kitchen column is carried Mid-Ohio Valley Parenting, Families First and Gainesville Family. You can reach her at Join our mailing list for updates! Send a blank . copyright Belinda Mooney Privacy Policy |