Kids Kreate


Pomander Balls

Your closets and kitchen will smell lovely when you make these orange or leman pomander balls.


What you will need:

  • 2 Thick skinned oranges, lemons or limes
  • 3 ounces whole cloves
  • Colored ribbon
  • Optional nylon netting



2. Wrap fruit loosely or place in foil covered tray or basket. Store in a dry place till fruit shrinks and hardens, three or four weeks, turning every few days.

3.Tie pomander ball with colored ribbon and hang in closets or storage bags.


Belinda Mooney is the mother of seven children, a veteran homeschooler and a freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in over 70 publications. Her Kids in the Kitchen column is carried Mid-Ohio Valley Parenting, Families First and Gainesville Family. You can reach her at  

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