Kids Kreate



Ooey, Gooey Goop
by Belinda Mooney

Fun project for the sense of touch. Watch it "melt" in your hands then turn solid again.


  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup water
  • food coloring


Put the cornstarch in a bowl and add the water. Add a few drops of food coloring.

It should be thick and pretty much smooth. it should crumble.

When you pick this up it "melts" but goes back to being solid again in the bowl.. really cool to play with.


Belinda Mooney is the mother of seven children, a veteran homeschooler and a freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in over 70 publications. Her Kids in the Kitchen column is carried Mid-Ohio Valley Parenting, Families First and Gainesville Family. You can reach her at  

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