Thumbelina in a Flower Glove Puppet
This is a cute fairytale craft. We made these as fun story go alongs. Little ones love puppets! Preschoolers and toddlers love puppets.

You need:
- knit glove
- felt scraps
- markers
- Q-tip swab
- piece of lace
- yarn for hair
1. Cut ten 3 -in flowers from felt in different colors. Cut a slit in the middle just big enough for you finger tip to go through. Slide 2 different flowers about halfway down each finger of the glove.
2. Using your markers draw a tiny face on the end of the Q-tip. Cut off the other swab end. Glue bits of yarn around the face for hair.
3. Dip the stick end of the Q-tip into glue. (I recommend using craft glue) and tuck it down between one of the flowers and the finger of the glove. (in the flower slit) Dress her by gluing a piece of lace to them.