Kids Kreate

Scissors and glue and imagination equal fun. Arts and crafts children can do.

   Have something you want reviewed or a craft idea to share? Just email us!







Make a Crawling Ladybug

Things you will need:

empty walnut shell (one shell will make 2 ladybugs)
red and black paint
small wiggly eyes
garbage bag ties ( the kind with the thin metal wire in them)
small cardboard box (thin cardboard like a shoebox)
craft glue (tacky glue)


  1. Paint your walnut shell red. Let it dry.
  2. Now paint on black dots and a small circle for the head.
  3. Glue on two small wiggly eyes.
  4. Turn your ladybug over after it is all dry.
  5. Glue three garbage bag ties across the bottom of the walnut shell.
  6. Turn your ladybug upside right and bend the ties ends that stick out up to look like legs.
  7. Now put your ladybug on top of a thin box and put a mganet under the box.
  8. Move the magnet and your ladybug will crawl!

Fun scout idea. Have a race!


Language Arts
Social Studies
Hands-on Fun
Parenting & Family
 Themed Writing paper