Scissors and glue and imagination equal fun. Arts and crafts children can do.
Have something you want reviewed or a craft idea to share? Just email us!
Make a Crawling Ladybug
Things you will need:
empty walnut shell (one shell will make 2 ladybugs)
red and black paint
small wiggly eyes
garbage bag ties ( the kind with the thin metal wire in them)
small cardboard box (thin cardboard like a shoebox)
craft glue (tacky glue)
- Paint your walnut shell red. Let it dry.
- Now paint on black dots and a small circle for the head.
- Glue on two small wiggly eyes.
- Turn your ladybug over after it is all dry.
- Glue three garbage bag ties across the bottom of the walnut shell.
- Turn your ladybug upside right and bend the ties ends that stick out up to look like legs.
- Now put your ladybug on top of a thin box and put a mganet under the box.
- Move the magnet and your ladybug will crawl!
Fun scout idea. Have a race!
Math Language Arts Spelling Themed Social Studies Hands-on Fun
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