Kids Kreate



Colored Bubbles

This is a wonderful way to explore the science of bubbles and teach colors and circle shapes also! Preschoolers and kindergartners especially like this kind of thing. But I think all kids like bubbles!




  • 1 cup granulated soap or soap powder
  • 1 quart warm water
  • liquid food coloring
  • plastic straws
  • small juice cans


Dissolve soap in warm water, stir in food coloring. Give each child a can about 1/3 full of mix and a plastic straw to blow the bubbles.

This activity is from the KidsActivity group. USED WITH PERMISSION


Belinda Mooney is the mother of seven children, a veteran homeschooler and a freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in over 70 publications. Her Kids in the Kitchen column is carried Mid-Ohio Valley Parenting, Families First and Gainesville Family. You can reach her at  

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